Karate Katas Overview
Learn all about Shotokan Karate Katas their Techniques, History, Bunkai Application and more
On this page, you can find anything related to the subject Karate Katas. The Japanese word Kata literally translated means “form”. Katas are choreographed movements of Karate techniques done in a specific order and sequence. The Kata is practiced by an individual or in a team.
Most Karate styles have beginner Katas (called Heian or Pinan), intermediate Katas (Sentei Kata) and advanced Katas with increasing demands to the practitioner. The Kata can be considered as the essence of Karate-Do. Not just because it transfers techniques and knowledge within but mainly because of the Kata’s spiritual aspects of Self-Development and Self-Cultivation.
On this page, you will find anything related to Karate Katas, how to train and practice Kata, Kata application (called Bunkai) and much more. If you want to learn more about Karate Kata then you have come to the right place.
Shotokan Katas
The 26 Shotokan Katas
Watch all 26 Shotokan Katas with detailed explanations and important information.
Kata Highlights & Important Techniques
Learn what is important in each Kata. What are the highlights and what are the sequences to study. Detailed information and exercises to each Kata.
Kata Bunkai
Watch the explanation and application of the moves of each Kata.
Kata Exercises
What exercises can you do to improve your Kata? Click here to learn how to improve your Kata and what to practice.
The walking pattern (directions) of each Kata.
Kata "no right" & "no left"
Have some fun with Heian Katas and challenge yourself with some extra exercises. Good to practice shifting and turning.
The Kata Team
Team Kata explained
Learn more what Team Kata is all about.
Kata Team Practice & Exercises
How do you train team Kata? Learn what exercises you can do with your Kata team and how it's done.
Shito Ryu Katas
Shito Ryu Katas
How about learning some Katas from another style? Find a small selection of Shito Ryu Katas here.
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