KarateCoaching Dan Certificates
If you (or your students) want to tested through KarateCoaching please use this option. Click here to learn more.
Dan Certification includes:
- Online registration into the worldwide Database of KarateCoaching for Dan Certificates (with online visible Dan certificate)
- KarateCoaching Membership Passport - for new members. (will be mailed to you)
- KarateCoaching Dan Certificate. (will be mailed to you)
- KarateCoaching Log In Access for 6 months. ($149.94 VALUE)
- Backlink from your Dan Certificate listing to your dojo (backlinks increase your dojo's search engine results).
- Dojo/School owners can have their Karate school listed in the KarateCoaching Business database. (that's another backlink to your dojo).
- Dojo/School owners can have their events listed on the KarateCoaching event calendar.
The cost for the Full Package is $250 (plus $15 flat rate shipping for the certificate). Email us for dojo and school prices.
Download Form/Instructions
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