Kihon Ippon Kumite
Kihon Ippon Kumite is a very good tool to learn the feeling for distance and timing. Block and counter are to be executed immediately together as one sequence. This is a challenge and one will quickly realize that full concentration is necessary and a good judgement for the right distance and timing. Since the technique for the counter attack is set, one has to learn to find the right distance (Maai) for it during the very first try.
Usually Kihon Ippon Kumite also introduces Sabaki for the first time, which makes it important to watch proper body shifting. Moving out of the line of the attacker is crucial at this learning stage. Since both parties only have one chance, Zanshin gets more important in this Kumite form and should be paid attention to, as well.
- Everything from the prior kumite forms (Gohon & Sanbon Kumite)
- Forces to improved feeling for the attacking distance due to the one chance only
- One chance for the attack
- Zanchin
- Everything from the prior kumite forms (Gohon & Sanbon Kumite)
- Strong block and quick counter (two actions in one move)
- Improved feeling for maai due to Sabaki
- New techniques & angles to block and counter due to Sabaki
- Body shifting due to Sabaki and counter attack
- Zanshin
I recommend that you exercise Kihon Ippon Kumite over both sides for both partners, but make sure to switch leg positions (south paw):
Attacker right leg back
Defender left leg back
Attacker left leg back
Defender right leg back
Attacker left leg back
Defender left leg back
Attacker right leg back
Defender right leg back
The reason for this is not only that we train both sides equally, but the switched leg position is also important because with it the distance to the partner changes and also the variety of possible counter attacks. This is important to understand and practice so one learns how to choose the right counter technique to the right target area and proper distance.