Shihan Kousaku Yokota (Crew)
Shihan Kousaku Yokota
Birthday: July 23, 1947
College: University of Delaware
Major: Economics
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Book: Shotokan Myths
Favorite Animal:
Favorite Movie: Rashomon, Kagemusha
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Quote: He who knows, does not speak. He who speaks, does not know. Lao Tzu
Favorite Link:
Yokota Sensei has extensive martial arts experience. Not only does he have 50 years of Shotokan Karate experience, he has also studied other styles of Karate such as Goju-Ryu and Kyokushinkai, Judo and Ki. ( He has experience with weapons as well, and has studied the ways of Nunchaku and Sai to deepen and supplement his knowledge and experience in Karate-do.
Yokota Sensei started his martial arts training in 1960 when he was just 13 years old. He began his training in Judo by taking lessons at the Hyogo Prefecture Police station. At this Judo dojo, there was a student who also practiced Karate – he was practicing Judo to further improve his fighting skills. This practitioner impressed Yokota Sensei so much that even though he had been training in Judo for two years, Yokota Sensei switched his martial arts training to Karate. He joined the JKA affiliated Kobe YMCA Karate Club.
In 1973, he moved to Philadelphia, PA and became a full time instructor at the ISKF headquarters as well as a personal assistant to Master Okazaki, 10th dan, ISKF Chairman.
Yokota Sensei was one of the top competitors in the East Coast Regional tournaments in the 1970’s. He returned to his hometown Kobe in 1981 to complete his instructor’s training under the late Master Sugano, 9th dan, JKA Vice Chairman. As soon as he returned to Japan, he entered the Prefecture tournament and became the champion that year, and again in the following year. He also represented his prefecture in the JKA All National Championship in Tokyo in 1981 and 1982.
Yokota Sensei returned to Tokyo in 1997 and trained in Ki under Master Nishino, Grand Master of Nishinoryu Kokyuho for two and a half years. Currently, he is Chief Instructor at Byakkokan Dojo in San Jose California. In 2013 Shihan Yokota decided to put down his position within the WJKA as technical director to form his own federations ASAI (Asai Shotokan Association International). Sensei Yokota is an 8th dan.
Yokota sensei has published several books; Shotokan Myths, Kata Kyohon Junro and Kata Kyohon Joko. His articles have been published in the major martial arts magazines including Shotokan Karate Magazine, Masters, Shotokanway and Classical Fighting Arts.